Henry Geovany Eligio Quixan Ixporcuac
Ref# TU3119

About Me
My name is Henry Geovany Eligio Quixan Ixporcuac. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
April 10, 2011.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! This is Henry Geovany Eligio Quixan Ixporcuac, and I write this letter to tell you how I am. I turned 13 in April, and I am fine. Thankfully, I am doing a good job at school, and I am in 4th grade this year; I study in the mornings. I help my mother with the household chores on weekends. I have been blessed with medicine and lunches through Living Water, and my favorite dish at the feeding program is beef patties. Christmas celebration is one of my favorite activities at the program because we receive a present.

I live with my mother in my grandmother’s house. My mom works as a day laborer or in a tortillas business to cover our needs. Sadly, she is suffering from gastritis and is only taking natural medicine. Recently, my father started to send me a little money, but it is only once in a while. We grow corn for our consumption, and onions and coriander for selling. We are a family who believes in God, and we are attending Church of God. LW Evangelism team has encouraged us to put our trust in God in every moment of our lives. I tell you that my mom helped me to give this information to an Evangelism teacher, and I want to take advantage of this to ask for your prayers for my mother’s health and my grandmother’s life. I end my letter wishing you the best.

With much love

Henry Geovany Eligio Quixan Ixporcuac

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary/Antigua