Cuatro Caminos
It is a pleasure to greet you. My name is Petronila Morente Ajqui. I am 15 years old, and I am in the fourth grade this year. Unfortunately, I had to repeat this grade. After school and on the weekends, I help my mother with cleaning the house and doing the chores. My mother’s name is Juana Ajqui Riz. She is a stay-at-home mom, and she grows many crops to sell in the market. She grows broccoli, cilantro, and ayote, which is a type of pumpkin. We usually swell part of the crop and keep part of it for our own consumption. We also raise chickens and sheep to sell to make some extra money. My father’s name is Davido Morente Ruiz. He works as a farmer. I love going to the feeding program and eating the fried chicken. It is my favorite meal that they serve. I also love the Christmas celebration we do. My favorite part is when we receive our gift, and we get candy. The ministry of Living Water has been a huge blessing to us through the food and the free medicine they offer us in the clinic.
As a family we do not go to church, but my mother received a message of the gospel from the LW evangelism teacher that visited us. She was encouraged to seek the Lord and she was grateful for this. Please keep my family and I in your prayers for our continued health and wellbeing. I pray you receive many blessings in your life and in the lives of your family.
With much love,
Petronila Morente Ajqui
Translated by: Olivia Gallardo / Missionary Internship – Guatemala