Hermelinda Coj Gutierrez
Ref# CA1376

About Me
My name is Hermelinda Coj Gutierrez. I'm a 15-year-old.

My birthday is
May 21, 2009.
Attends Program

Pasojoc III

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I hope you are having a blessed year together with your family. I am Hermelinda Coj Gutierrez. I am writing you to share a little about me. I am in good health, and I stay at home helping with the chores. I passed my 6th grade last year, but I did not continue with my studies this year. I tell you that I now only live with my mother and sibling because my stepfather is abroad; he left to go to the United States one year ago. He is now working as a waiter in a restaurant. My mother takes care of us, and she raises hens for selling. We have corn and black bean crops for our consumption.

I am happy because Christmas is close, and there is a beautiful celebration at the feeding program; I receive a special present. I am grateful to LW Ministries and you for blessing me with delicious lunches, and I enjoy eating fried chicken. We believe in God, and we are members of a church called Christian Life. My mother sometimes has the privilege to lead the services. I would like to ask for your prayers for my family and our health. My aunt, Florinda, helped me to give my information to the Evangelism team to make this letter possible. I hope it reaches you in the right time.

Many blessings

Hermelinda Coj Gutierrez

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary-Antigua