Sandra Hermelinda Calachij Garcia
Ref# CA1482

About Me
My name is Sandra Hermelinda Calachij Garcia. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
February 14, 2012.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

I fondly greet you hoping you are doing well. I am Sandra Hermelina Calachij Garcia. I am writing to update you about my family and me. Currently, we are members of the Catholic Church, and we attend the mass on Monday. LW Evangelism team has encouraged us to continue trusting in God. My father’s name is Martin. He is 30 years old, and he is healthy. He works as a day laborer with our neighbors some days of the week, and he goes to pick coffee beans at the coast. My mother’s name is Luciana. She is 27 years old, and she is in good health too. She weaves every day and also takes care of the family and home. Our greatest needs are groceries. We have hens at home and we sell them when they grow up. We also grow corn but it is for our consumption.

Now let me tell you about myself. I am 11 years old, and I am healthy. I am in fifth grade, and I am happy to receive face-to-face classes because I learn more. It has been difficult for my parents to cover my school expenses since they do not have a stable job. I would like to work in a grocery store in the future. Christmas is my favorite celebration because we prepare “tamales”. I love drinking Pepsi, and among sports, I prefer football. Unfortunately, my parents do not celebrate my birthday due to our low resources. I want to improve my Spanish since my first language is Quiche dialect. Thanks to Living Water and you, I am sure that I will receive a plate of food twice a week. I say goodbye to you for now.

Warm greetings

Sandra Hermelina Calachij Garcia

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC/Antigua