Marvin Geovany Chiquiaj Gomez
Ref# CC1255

About Me
My name is Marvin Geovany Chiquiaj Gomez. I'm a 14-year-old.

My birthday is
March 1, 2010.
Attends Program

Cuatro Caminos

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story


I greet you excitedly, hoping you are having a lovely day. This is Marvin, and I want to share with you my last news. My family and I still attend Assembly of God Church; we usually attend our services every Tuesday. The Lord has been faithful to us; proof of that, I can eat tasty lunches and medicines at the feeding program. My family and I think that LW has been a great blessing to us, so we are grateful. My mother talked to a member of the evangelism team to share with you a little about my life through this letter. My mother, Dominga Gomez, is 49 years old. She keeps busy doing the chores and raising hens to sell when it is necessary. She also washes clothes for other people to get extra income and help my father with expenses. My father, Felipe Chiquiaj, makes a living as a day laborer, and his days of work are four or five days weekly. I love my parents because they do their best for our family, although it is hard for them to cover our necessities and school expenses. Unfortunately, there are not enough work opportunities in our community.

Our priorities are clothes and food supplies, especially corn. To survive, we grow some legumes and lemons for our consumption. Thankfully, our health is in good condition. I am thirteen years old and I attend school as a fourth grader again. I am glad to receive face-to-face classes because it is easier and fun to learn the lessons when you have your teacher with you. I like how my father works in the field, so I would like to become a day laborer just like him when I am older. I am learning a little Spanish at school, but I would like to increase my knowledge to speak that language fluently. My favorite celebration throughout the year is the fair of my town. I like all the candies and food that people prepare to sell. Besides that, I have fun at the amusement park. I like drinking Coca-Cola, and my favorite sport is soccer. Celebrating birthdays is something that I enjoy so much, especially if it is mine. My birthday was in March, and I celebrated with my family by eating a tasty snack. We sometimes buy a cake to celebrate. Thank you so much for reading my information! I say goodbye for now, but I send you my best wishes.

Sincerely yours,

Marvin Geovany Chiquiaj Gomez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala