Elma Eliza Florecita de la Cruz Rodriguez
Ref# CA1933

About Me
My name is Elma Eliza Florecita de la Cruz Rodriguez. I'm a 8-year-old.

My birthday is
July 15, 2016.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story


I fondly greet you in the name of Jesus, hoping everything is running well in your life. This is your sponsored child, Elma Eliza Florecita de la Cruz Rodriguez. I am 8 years old and fortunately, I am in good health. I am doing my best at school as a first grader. My mom takes me to receive face-to-face classes at school on the morning shift. Now, let me tell you a little about my parents. Thankfully, they are in good health. My mom keeps busy weaving typical clothes to sell. She uses her income to help with the household expenses. She takes time to help me with my homework. As for my father, let me tell you that he works in a cable TV company to support our family economically. We raise hens and grow corn, beans, and radishes for our consumption.  

We are currently members of a Christian Church. I am glad because my parents accepted Jesus as their Savior. A teacher of the LW evangelism team congratulated and encouraged my father to continue persevering in his spiritual life. My father took advantage of the opportunity to give all this information to the teacher so you could hear from me. I want you to know that your donation through LW-Adopt A Child has blessed me so much with food and medicine. At the feeding program, my favorite food is fried chicken. I like celebrating Christmas at the feeding program. My favorite part of the activity is receiving a nice Christmas gift from you through the staff and missionaries. Well, it is time to say goodbye, but I send you many kisses and hugs. I hope to hear your news soon.  


Elma Eliza Florecita de la Cruz Rodriguez 

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala