David Garcia Gomez
Ref# CC1622

About Me
My name is David Garcia Gomez. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
April 28, 2015.
Attends Program

Cuatro Caminos

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I feel very fortunate to communicate with you once again through this letter. I hope you are doing well in your daily life. I am David Garcia Gomez, and I turned 9 years old this year. I am a second grade student and I attend school in the morning. On weekends, I help to look for firewood. LW has been a blessing for our family because I have received delicious meals and medical care. My favorite food is fried chicken. I am fine. The activity that I like the most is when we play at the feeding program.  

My father supports our family by working as a farmer and also as a day laborer. My mother stays at home taking care of us and doing her chores. My family grows corn for our consumption. We are members of a Methodist Church. My parents received Jesus as their Savior some years ago. The evangelism teachers shared the gospel with us to encourage us to continue in the ways of the Lord. Thank you so much for reading my information. God bless you! 

With much love, 

David Garcia Gomez 

Translated by: Lucia Gravez/AAC Secretary