Andrea Vilma Coj Garcia
Ref# CA1899

About Me
My name is Andrea Vilma Coj Garcia. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
December 23, 2015.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I greet you with much love hoping you are doing well. I am Andrea Vilma, and I want to update you about my life. I am now only living with my mother since my father abandoned us because he is having alcoholic problems. My mom works as a weaver and raises some hens and turkeys for selling. Fortunately, we are receiving financial support from my maternal grandmother, Celsa Barrera; she is a weaver too. We grow corn and black beans for our consumption. We are attending Assembly of God, and I take advantage of my letter to ask for your prayers for my family’s health and my studies.  

I will be 9 years old soon, and I am grateful for that. I am in good health, and I am in 2nd grade now. I study in the mornings, and after classes, I like playing with my dolls. I help with the household chores on weekends. I receive food for free through LW Ministries, and it is a great blessing for my family and me. My favorite dish at the feeding program is fried chicken, and I love the Christmas celebration because I receive a special present. To end my letter, I want to tell you that my mom helped me to give this information to the Evangelism team. I say goodbye to you for now.  

Many blessings 

Andrea Vilma Coj Garcia 

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary-Antigua