Johann Luis Andrews Toj Tiu
Ref# CH4648

About Me
My name is Johann Luis Andrews Toj Tiu. I'm a 6-year-old.

My birthday is
October 13, 2018.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! It is a pleasure for me to greet you through this means. I am grateful to God because I am in good health. I attended pre-kindergarten in the mornings this year. I am now playing with my siblings. I enjoy spending time with my family on weekends. The medicine and lunches are free through LW Ministries, and they are a great blessing for my family and me. I love eating fried chicken at the feeding program. I am happy because Christmas time is close, and I will receive a present at the program.  

I would like to ask for your prayers for my parents and their jobs; thankfully, they are healthy. My father works as a primary teacher while my mother works for the local municipality; she is the secretary of the Access to Public Information area. They do not raise animals or grow crops like other families in our town. We have received Jesus in our hearts, and we are members of the Catholic Church. The LW Evangelism team took the time to share God’s Word, and in this occasion, my grandmother Micaela helped me to give my information to this team. I hope you enjoy reading my letter. I wish you the best.  

Sincerely yours 

Johann Luis Andrews Toj Tiu 

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary-Antigua