Alison Mariana Tomasa Conoz Xon
Ref# ZA4818

About Me
My name is Alison Mariana Tomasa Conoz Xon. I'm a 8-year-old.

My birthday is
December 18, 2016.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, I am sending warm greetings hoping you are doing great! I am Alison Mariana Tomasa Conoz Xon. My current age is 7 years old. At school, I am in 1st grade and my classes are in the morning. I usually do homework on weekends. Thank God, my parents support each other to supply our needs; they both are teachers and work in our town. My family and I are doing well, but I want you to pray for my family so we continue staying well.

I love to participate in the feeding program and at Christmas because they prepare a special activity with carols. Fried chicken is the food I love the most from the program. My family and I are grateful to Living Water for all the support they have given me. My parents say it is a great blessing that the program has blessed children from generation to generation for years. So, we pray to God and ask for abundant blessings over each person who contributes to the program. We are members of the Catholic Church; my parents have welcomed Jesus into their hearts. This time, my mother gave this information to the evangelism staff to share news with you about me. Take care. Hoping to receive news from you very soon. Many and abundant blessings over you!

Lots of love,

Alison Mariana Tomasa Conoz Xon

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala