Wainer Mendez Simaj
Ref# CH4613

About Me
My name is Wainer Mendez Simaj. I'm a 14-year-old.

My birthday is
December 14, 2010.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I lovingly greet you, hoping you are having a nice day. My full name is Wainer Mendez Simaj, and I am 13 years old. I am doing well, but I suffer from slow learning. So, I am in second grade once again. I attend school on the morning shift. On weekends, I help my parents with the household chores like feeding our hens or working in our corn crops. We use the corn harvest for our family’s consumption. Fortunately, everybody is in good health. We are faithful members of the Prince of Peace Christian Church. My parents accepted Jesus as their savior many years ago. My mom is a housewife and keeps busy most of the time. As for my father, let me tell you that he traveled to the United States to look for a better job opportunity and help us economically. Today, he makes a living by growing vegetables. I beg you to pray for him.  

I want you to know that I am thankful for being part of LW-Adopt A Child because I have many benefits such as food. At the feeding program, my favorite food is fried chicken. I feel excited when I receive a Christmas gift during the annual Christmas celebration at the feeding program. To end this letter, I want you to know that a teacher of the LW evangelism team congratulated and encouraged my mom to continue moving forward. We took advantage of that opportunity to give all this information to him so you could hear my news. I send you many kisses and hugs. See you later! 

Special regards,  

Wainer Mendez Simaj 

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala