Hello, my name is Carlos Alexander Gomez Ajanel. It is a pleasure to greet you. I am a 9-year-old boy, and I am studying in the second grade. I go to school in the morning and after that I go home to do my homework. My father’s name is Carlos Gomez Gomez. He is a farmer who works hard to support our family with what he earns. My mom is Marta Luisa Ajanel Toj, and she stays home to take care of the house. She also raises and sells chickens sometimes. At home we grow corn for our own use. I want to tell you that my mother is so grateful for the blessings from Living Water.
When we are sick, we can go to the clinic and see the doctor, and he will give us the medicines we need without any cost. The food has also been a great blessing. My favorite thing to eat at the program is the fried chicken. At the end of the year, we have a Christmas celebration, and my favorite parts are the songs and the games we play. I go to a Methodist Church in our area. My family are strong believers, praise God. I want to let you know that my mother shared this information with the LW evangelism teacher, and she was encouraged to continue seeking the Lord. I hope you enjoy reading this information about me. I send you many hugs and kisses from Guatemala.
With much love,
Carlos Alexander Gomez Ajanel
Translated by: Olivia Gallardo / Missionary Internship – Guatemala