Wendy Manuela Morales Cac
Ref# CH4452

About Me
My name is Wendy Manuela Morales Cac. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
August 5, 2012.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, my name is Wendy Manuela Morales Cac. I am 12 years old, and I am in 5th grade at school. I go to school in the mornings, and after school, I go to look for food for the pigs. On the weekends, I help at home with the housework and chores. Each week, I go to the feeding program. I love the food they serve. My favorite meal is the fried chicken or the rice and black beans. We are very grateful for all that Living Water has done for us. They have blessed us through the free lunches they provide. I also love the Christmas celebration we do at Living Water. My favorite part is the worship music we play and the choreographies. Thank God, my family is doing well. My mother’s name is Elsa Cac Tiniguar. She is a stay-at-home mom. She takes care of the housework, and she raises chickens and pigs to sell when we need extra money. She also embroiders sheets and cloths with typical designs. At home we grow corn for our own use. My father’s name is Carlos Morales Morales. He currently lives and works in the US. He has been there for about two years now. He works cleaning a restaurant. He sends us support with what he earns. My family and I go to the Catholic church. We are very faithful at church, and my mother is a very strong believer. She serves as a lead vocalist in the church, and she says she is sure of her salvation. She trusts in the Lord with all her heart, and she has her sight fixed on Him. Before I say goodbye, I want to ask you to keep my family in your prayers for our health and the provision of God to be over us. I hope you have enjoyed reading about me today. I wish you many blessings in the name of Jesus.

With much love,

Wendy Manuela Morales Cac

Translated by: Olivia Gallardo / Missionary Internship - Guatemala