Diego Giovanni Gonzalez Lopez
Ref# NE2629

About Me
My name is Diego Giovanni Gonzalez Lopez. I'm a 16-year-old.

My birthday is
December 3, 2008.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I am happy to write you this letter and tell you about me. I am Diego Giovanni, and I am fine. I live with my mother and she does her best to cover the home expenses. She does the cleaning in different houses, and thankfully, she is in good health. Unfortunately, my father does not live with us nor support us financially; he just does not want to do it. As a family, we are attending Ebenezer Church. LW Evangelism team encouraged us to trust in God because He is the only one who will help us all the time. We are grateful for these words. We also want to thank them for giving us the grocery bags and presents with much love at the feeding program.

I am 15 years old, and I am repeating 7th grade this year; I am studying in the mornings. I love playing soccer on weekends. My favorite dishes are beef patties and spaghetti. I like helping others, so I would like to become part of LW Collaborators team in the future. I have received grocery bags and vitamins at the feeding program, and they have been a great blessing for me. I tell you that my mother helped me to give this information to an Evangelism teacher, and she wants to ask for your prayers for her since she wants to go ahead with us. I wish you the best.

In Jesus name

Diego Giovanni Gonzalez Lopez

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio, AAC Secretary/Antigua