Yadira Eliana Toj Mucia
Ref# CH3311

About Me
My name is Yadira Eliana Toj Mucia. I'm a 18-year-old.

My birthday is
July 26, 2006.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! My full name is Yadira Eliana Toj Mucia, and I am so happy to share a little about my life with you. I hope everything is running well in your life. Thankfully, I am a healthy 18-year-old girl. I no longer continue studying because I help my grandmother with the household chores and caring for our crops. We grow corn, beans, peanuts, and other products to sell. We survive with the income from the business. We also raise hens and pigs to sell. I have lived with my grandmother for a long time since my father passed away. I do not have my mom with me because she abandoned me after my father died.  

Besides my grandmother, I also live with two of my aunts. We have faithfully attended the Catholic Church for many years. A teacher of the LW evangelism team encouraged us to continue seeking the Lord and trusting in our salvation. LW-Adopt A Child has been a great blessing for my family and me. Thanks to all of you, I can receive food and the annual Christmas gift at the feeding program. I cannot pay you back for these benefits, but I know the Lord will do it. I feel excited when the LW staff prepares fried chicken for lunch. To end this letter, I ask you to pray for the health and provision of my family. In advance, thank you so much.  

Cordiality yours,  

Yadira Eliana Toj Mucia 

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua